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Today we chat with Amaeze Madukah who is a UK-registered clinical nutritionist who believes in a life well nourished (how fitting)! She works with clients to help them build sustainable patterns and help them to find peace in their bodies, while recognising that each individual’s experience is a unique one.

Why is diversity important in Nutrition & Dietetics?

Amaeze Madukah, MSc. RNutr.

Where you can find her:

Instagram: @lifes_recipe

Twitter: @lifes_recipe


Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your current role?

My name is Amaeze, I am a registered nutritionist, owner of the consultancy Life’s Recipe and a trustee of the AFN.

When did you first know you wanted to pursue nutrition and dietetics?

From college – I always had an interest in food and biology and nutrition married the two interests perfectly. 

What’s your favourite meal, snack or drink?

Anything with plantain!

What are your thoughts on diversity in N&D?

I think there is more work to be done to increase the diversity and cultural competency in the field. Not only for the sake of the health professionals but also for the diverse and global community that we serve.

Black or Blue ink pens?


If you could summarise your career as a nutrition professional in 3 words, what would they be? 

Interesting, enlightening, a journey.

What advice would you give to black youth considering nutrition & dietetics as a career?

If it is an area you are passionate about then go for it. There are many career options that can stem from it. Also stay connected and join communities that align to your interests. 

Post Author: Christina

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